Sming Framework API
Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency WiFi SoC ESP8266 native development with C++ language.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CChannelPWMPulse width modulator channel class
 CCommandDelegateCommand delegate class
 CCommandHandlerCommand handler class
 CDateTimeDate and time class
 CDebugClassProvides debug output to stream (e.g. Serial) or delegate function handler
 CDebugOuputOptionsStructure for debug options
 CDelegate< ReturnType(ParamsList...)>Delegate class
 CDriverPWMPulse width modulator driver class
 CEspDigitalPinESP GPIO pin configuration
 CFileStreamFile stream class
 CFunctionCallerDelegate function caller class
 CHardware_TimerHardware timer class
 CHardwarePWMHardware pulse width modulation
 CHardwareSerialHardware serial class
 CHWSerialMemberDataHardware serial member data
 CI2cMasterBaseBase class for SoftI2cMaster and TwiMaster
 CIDataSourceStreamBase class for data source stream
 CIDelegateCallerIDelegateCaller class
 CJsonObjectStreamJSON object stream class
 CMemoryDataStreamMemory data stream class
 CMethodCaller< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(ParamsList...)>Delegate method caller class
 CNtpClientNTP client class
 CPrintProvides formatted output to stream
 CSoftI2cMasterSoftware I2C master class
 CTemplateFileStreamTemplate file stream class
 CTemplateVariablesTemplate variable (hash map) class
 CWebsocketClientDelegate callback type for connection of websocket client
 CWebsocketFrameClassWebsocket Frame
 CYeelightBulbYeelight wifi bulb controller class