Sming Framework API
Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency WiFi SoC ESP8266 native development with C++ language.
Command Handler | Provide command line interface |
▼Date and time functions | |
Network Time Protocol client | Provides NTP client |
Real Time Clock | Access to the real time clock |
System clock functions | Provides system clock functions |
Time and Delay | Provides time and delay functions |
Debug functions | Provides debug functions |
Delegate | Delegates are event handlers Several handlers may be triggered for each event |
File system | Access file system |
GPIO functions | Provides general purpose input and output (GPIO) functions |
Hardware PWM functions | Provides hardware pulse width modulation functions |
Hardware serial | Hardware serial UARTs |
Hardware timer | Access Hardware timer |
Interrupt functions | Provides interrupt functions |
▼Libraries | Libraries provided by third parties, adapted to work with Sming |
DS18S20 Temperature Sensor | This library provides access to DS18S20 temperature sensors connected via 1-Wire bus to a single GPIO The DS18S20 can run in several modes, with varying degrees of resolution. The highest resolution is 12-bit which provides 0.0625C resolution. 12-bit measurement takes 750ms. With 4 sensors connected, measurement will take 3s |
Print stream functions | Provides functions that format output to streams, e.g. Serial |
Pulse width modulation | Provides pulse width modulation output functions |
RC Servo functions | Provides Library to control rc servos with pwm signals |
SPI Hardware support | Provides hardware SPI support |
SPI support classes | Provides SPI support |
Sming constant values | Constants and enumerated lists used by Sming functions |
Sming event handlers | Definitions of Sming event handler functions |
Sming structures | Structure definitions used by Sming functions |
Stream functions | Data stream classes |
System | Access to the ESP8266 system |
Timer functions | Provides timer functions |
Watchdog Timer | Access to the ESP8266 watchdog timer |
Websocket Client | Client to make persistent connection to websocket server |
Websocket Frame | Encode / Decode websocket frames |
WiFi Access Point | Control and monitoring of WiFi access point interface |
WiFi Station Interface | Control and monitoring of WiFi station interface |