Sming Framework API
Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency WiFi SoC ESP8266 native development with C++ language.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAtClientClass that facilitates the communication with an AT device
 CBase64OutputStreamBase64 Stream
 CBeaconInfoDecoded Wifi beacon (Access Point) information
 CBeaconInfoListFor applications to use to manage list of unique beacons
 CChunkedStreamData chunked stream class
 CCircularBufferCircular stream class
 CClientInfoDecoded Wifi client information
 CClientInfoListFor applications to use to manage list of unique clients
 CCommandDelegateCommand delegate class
 CCommandHandlerCommand handler class
 CCStringArrayClass to manage a double null-terminated list of strings, such as "one\0two\0three"
 CDateTimeDate and time class
 CDebugClassProvides debug output to stream (e.g. Serial) or delegate function handler
 CDebugOuputOptionsStructure for debug options
 CDelegate< ReturnType(ParamsList...)>Delegate class
 CDS18S20This class implements access to the DS18x20 range of temperature sensors
 CEndlessMemoryStreamMemory stream that stores unlimited number of bytes
 CEspDigitalPinESP GPIO pin configuration
 CFileStreamFile stream class
 CFlashStringDescribes a counted string stored in flash memory
 CFunctionCallerDelegate function caller class
 CGdbFileStreamGDB File stream class to provide access to host files whilst running under debugger
 CHardwarePWMHardware pulse width modulation
 CHardwareSerialHardware serial class
 CHardwareTimerHardware timer class
 CHttpHeaderBuilderRe-assembles headers from fragments via onHeaderField / onHeaderValue callbacks
 CHttpHeadersEncapsulates a set of HTTP header information
 CHttpPartResultMultipart stream class
 CHttpResourceTreeClass to map URL paths to classes which handle them
 CIDataSourceStreamBase class for data source stream
 CIDelegateCallerIDelegateCaller class
 CJsonObjectStreamJsonObject stream class
 CLimitedMemoryStreamMemory stream that stores limited number of bytes Once the limit is reached the stream will discard incoming bytes on write
 CLineBufferClass to enable buffering of a single line of text, with simple editing
 CMethodCaller< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(ParamsList...)>Delegate method caller class
 CNtpClientNTP client class
 CObjectMapImplementation of a HashMap for owned objects, i.e. anything created with new()
 CObjectQueueFIFO for objects
 COsMessageInterceptorClass to handle interception of OS messages
 CPrintProvides formatted output to stream
 CQuotedPrintableOutputStreamQuoted-Printable Stream
 Crboot_configStructure containing rBoot configuration
 Crboot_write_statusStructure defining flash write status
 CReadWriteStreamBase class for read/write stream
 CSerialBufferFIFO buffer used for both receive and transmit data
 CSslFingerprintsContains SSL fingerprint data
 CSslKeyCertPairClass to manage an SSL key certificate with optional password
 CSslSessionIdManages buffer to store SSL Session ID
 CStringThe string class
 CTemplateFileStreamTemplate File stream class
 CTemplateFlashMemoryStreamTemplate Flash memory stream class
 CTemplateVariablesTemplate variable (hash map) class
 CUrlClass to manage URL instance
 CUrlencodedOutputStreamUrlEncoded Stream
 CWebsocketClientWebsocket Client
 CYeelightBulbYeelight wifi bulb controller class