CAdafruit_BME280 | |
CAdafruit_NeoPixel | |
CAdafruit_Sensor | |
CAM2321 | |
CAPA102 | |
CArduCAM | |
CAtClient | Class that facilitates the communication with an AT device |
CAtCommand | |
►CAuthAdapter | |
CHttpBasicAuth | |
CHttpDigestAuth | |
Cbase64_decodestate | |
Cbase64_encodestate | |
CBeaconInfo | Decoded Wifi beacon (Access Point) information |
CBH1750FVI | |
Cbme280_calib_data | |
CBMP180 | |
CBounce | |
CBssInfo | |
CCapacitiveSensor | |
CClientInfo | Decoded Wifi client information |
Ccol_t | |
CComfortProfile | |
CCommandDelegate | Command delegate class |
CCommandExecutor | |
CCommandHandler | Command handler class |
►CCountable< T > | |
CFIFO< T, rawSize > | |
CFILO< T, rawSize > | |
►CCountable< AtCommand > | |
CFIFO< AtCommand, 10 > | |
►CCountable< BeaconInfo > | |
►CVector< BeaconInfo > | |
CBeaconInfoList | For applications to use to manage list of unique beacons |
►CCountable< ClientInfo > | |
►CVector< ClientInfo > | |
CClientInfoList | For applications to use to manage list of unique clients |
►CCountable< Element > | |
CVector< Element > | |
►CCountable< HttpPartResult > | |
CVector< HttpPartResult > | |
►CCountable< HttpRequest * > | |
►CFIFO< HttpRequest *, rawSize > | |
CObjectQueue< HttpRequest, HTTP_REQUEST_POOL_SIZE > | |
►CCountable< IDataSourceStream * > | |
►CFIFO< IDataSourceStream *, rawSize > | |
CObjectQueue< IDataSourceStream, MAX_STREAM_CHAIN_SIZE > | |
►CCountable< MailMessage * > | |
►CFIFO< MailMessage *, rawSize > | |
CObjectQueue< MailMessage, SMTP_QUEUE_SIZE > | |
►CCountable< mqtt_message_t * > | |
►CFIFO< mqtt_message_t *, rawSize > | |
CObjectQueue< mqtt_message_t, MQTT_REQUEST_POOL_SIZE > | |
►CCountable< ObjectMap::Entry > | |
CVector< ObjectMap::Entry > | |
►CCountable< rBootHttpUpdateItem > | |
CVector< rBootHttpUpdateItem > | |
►CCountable< ServoChannel * > | |
CVector< ServoChannel * > | |
►CCountable< SslValidator > | |
►CVector< SslValidator > | |
CSslValidatorList | |
►CCountable< String > | |
CVector< String > | |
►CCountable< T * > | |
►CFIFO< T *, rawSize > | |
CObjectQueue< T, rawSize > | FIFO for objects |
►CCountable< TcpConnection * > | |
CVector< TcpConnection * > | |
CDateTime | Date and time class |
CDebugOuputOptions | Structure for debug options |
Cdecode_results | |
CDelegate< class > | |
CDelegate< bool(AtClient &atClient, Stream &source)> | |
CDelegate< bool(AtClient &atClient, String &reply)> | |
CDelegate< bool(TcpClient &client, char *data, int size)> | |
CDelegate< HttpPartResult()> | |
CDelegate< int(HttpConnection &client, bool successful)> | |
CDelegate< int(HttpConnection &client, const char *at, size_t length)> | |
CDelegate< int(HttpConnection &client, HttpResponse &response)> | |
CDelegate< int(HttpServerConnection &connection, HttpRequest &, char *at, int length)> | |
CDelegate< int(HttpServerConnection &connection, HttpRequest &, const char *at, int length)> | |
CDelegate< int(HttpServerConnection &connection, HttpRequest &request, HttpResponse &response)> | |
CDelegate< int(MqttPayloadParserState &state, mqtt_message_t *message, const char *buffer, int length)> | |
CDelegate< ReturnType(ParamsList...)> | Delegate class |
CDelegate< void()> | |
CDelegate< void(bool, BssList)> | |
CDelegate< void(char dbgChar)> | |
CDelegate< void(HardwareSerial &serial)> | |
CDelegate< void(HttpRequest &request, const char *at, int length)> | |
CDelegate< void(int16_t, uint8_t[6])> | |
CDelegate< void(IPAddress, IPAddress, IPAddress)> | |
CDelegate< void(NtpClient &client, time_t ntpTime)> | |
CDelegate< void(rBootHttpUpdate &client, bool result)> | |
CDelegate< void(sc_status status, void *pdata)> | |
CDelegate< void(Stream &source, char arrivedChar, uint16_t availableCharsCount)> | |
CDelegate< void(String commandLine, CommandOutput *commandOutput)> | |
CDelegate< void(String topic, String message)> | |
CDelegate< void(String, uint8_t, uint8_t[6], uint8_t)> | |
CDelegate< void(TcpClient &client, bool successful)> | |
CDelegate< void(TcpClient &client, TcpConnectionEvent sourceEvent)> | |
CDelegate< void(TcpClient *client)> | |
CDelegate< void(TcpConnection &)> | |
CDelegate< void(UdpConnection &connection, char *data, int size, IPAddress remoteIP, uint16_t remotePort)> | |
CDelegate< void(uint16_t msgId, int type)> | |
CDelegate< void(uint8_t, uint8_t)> | |
CDelegate< void(uint8_t[6], uint8_t)> | |
CDelegate< void(WebsocketConnection &)> | |
CDelegate< void(WebsocketConnection &, const String &)> | |
CDelegate< void(WebsocketConnection &, uint8_t *data, size_t size)> | |
CDFRobotDFPlayerMini | |
CDHTesp | |
CDIR | |
CDNSHeader | |
CDS18S20 | This class implements access to the DS18x20 range of temperature sensors |
CDS3232RTC | |
CElapseTimer | |
CObjectMap< K, V >::Entry | An entry in the ObjectMap |
CEspDigitalPin | ESP GPIO pin configuration |
CFIL | |
CFlashString | Describes a counted string stored in flash memory |
Cgdb_state_t | |
CGdbPacket | |
Cgesture_data_type | |
CHardwarePWM | Hardware pulse width modulation |
►CHardwareTimer | Hardware timer class |
CHardware_Timer | |
CHashMap< K, V > | |
►CHashMap< HttpHeaderFieldName, String > | |
CHttpHeaders | Encapsulates a set of HTTP header information |
CHashMap< mqtt_type_t, MqttDelegate > | |
CHashMap< String, CommandDelegate > | |
CHashMap< String, HttpBodyParserDelegate > | |
►CHashMap< String, String > | |
CHttpParams | |
CTemplateVariables | Template variable (hash map) class |
CHexDump | |
CRCSwitch::HighLow | |
CHMC5883L | |
►CHttpClient | |
CrBootHttpUpdate | |
CHttpHeaderBuilder | Re-assembles headers from fragments via onHeaderField / onHeaderValue callbacks |
CHttpPartResult | Multipart stream class |
CHttpRequest | |
►CHttpResource | |
►CWebsocketResource | |
CWsCommandHandlerResource | |
CHttpResponse | |
CHttpServerSettings | |
CI2Cdev | |
CI2CIO | |
CIDelegateCaller< ReturnType, ParamsList > | IDelegateCaller class |
►CIDelegateCaller< ReturnType, ParamsList... > | |
CFunctionCaller< MethodDeclaration, ReturnType, ParamsList > | Delegate function caller class |
CMethodCaller< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(ParamsList...)> | Delegate method caller class |
CIRArgoAC | |
CIRDaikinESP | |
CIRFujitsuAC | |
CIRGreeAC | |
CIRHaierAC | |
CIRKelvinatorAC | |
CIRMideaAC | |
CIRMitsubishiAC | |
Cirparams_t | |
CIRrecv | |
►CIRsend | |
CIRsendTest | |
CIRtimer | |
CIRToshibaAC | |
CIRTrotecESP | |
►CISystemReadyHandler | |
CAccessPointClass | |
CStationClass | |
CWDTClass | |
CWifiSniffer | |
CLineBuffer< BUFSIZE > | Class to enable buffering of a single line of text, with simple editing |
CLineBuffer< 128 > | |
Cmagiquest | |
CMailMessage | |
Cmatch_result_t | |
CMCP | |
CMCP23017 | |
CMethodCaller< class > | |
CMFRC522 | |
CMFRC522::MIFARE_Key | |
►CMirfSpiDriver | |
CMirfHardwareSpi85Driver | |
CMirfHardwareSpiDriver | |
CMMA_7455 | |
CMqttPayloadParserState | |
CNetUtils | |
CNexGpio | |
►CNexObject | |
CNexGauge | |
CNexProgressBar | |
►CNexTouch | |
CNexButton | |
CNexCheckbox | |
CNexCrop | |
CNexDSButton | |
CNexHotspot | |
CNexNumber | |
CNexPage | |
CNexPicture | |
CNexRadio | |
CNexScrolltext | |
CNexSlider | |
CNexText | |
CNexTimer | |
CNexVariable | |
CNexWaveform | |
CNexRtc | |
CNrf24l | |
CObjectMap< K, V > | Implementation of a HashMap for owned objects, i.e. anything created with new() |
►CObjectMap< String, HttpResource > | |
CHttpResourceTree | Class to map URL paths to classes which handle them |
CObjectMap< String, IDataSourceStream > | |
COneWire | |
COsMessageInterceptor | Class to handle interception of OS messages |
►CPrint | Provides formatted output to stream |
►CAdafruit_GFX | |
CAdafruit_ILI9341 | |
CAdafruit_PCD8544 | |
CAdafruit_SSD1306 | |
CAdafruit_ST7735 | |
CTFT_ILI9163C | |
CCommandOutput | |
CDebugClass | Provides debug output to stream (e.g. Serial) or delegate function handler |
CDisplay | |
►CLCD | |
CLiquidCrystal | |
CLiquidCrystal_I2C | |
CLiquidCrystal_SR | |
CLiquidCrystal_SR2W | |
CLiquidCrystal_SR3W | |
►CStream | |
►CIDataSourceStream | Base class for data source stream |
CArduCAMStream | |
CFlashMemoryStream | |
►CMultiStream | |
CMultipartStream | |
CStreamChain | |
►CReadWriteStream | Base class for read/write stream |
CCircularBuffer | Circular stream class |
CEndlessMemoryStream | Memory stream that stores unlimited number of bytes |
CFileStream | File stream class |
CGdbFileStream | GDB File stream class to provide access to host files whilst running under debugger |
CHardwareSerial | Hardware serial class |
CLimitedMemoryStream | Memory stream that stores limited number of bytes Once the limit is reached the stream will discard incoming bytes on write |
►CMemoryDataStream | |
CJsonObjectStream | JsonObject stream class |
CrBootItemOutputStream | |
►CStreamTransformer | |
CBase64OutputStream | Base64 Stream |
CChunkedStream | Data chunked stream class |
CQuotedPrintableOutputStream | Quoted-Printable Stream |
►CTemplateStream | |
CTemplateFileStream | Template File stream class |
CTemplateFlashMemoryStream | Template Flash memory stream class |
CUrlencodedOutputStream | UrlEncoded Stream |
CTwoWire | |
►CPrintable | |
CHttpParams | |
CIPAddress | |
CRCSwitch::Protocol | |
Crboot_config | Structure containing rBoot configuration |
Crboot_write_status | Structure defining flash write status |
CrBootHttpUpdateItem | |
CRCSwitch | |
CRF24 | |
CRingBufCPP< Type, MaxElements > | |
CRingBufCPP< uint16_t, RAWBUF > | |
Crom_header | |
Crom_header_new | |
CRtcClass | |
CRtcData | |
Csection_header | |
Csensor_reg | |
Csensor_t | |
Csensors_color_t | |
Csensors_event_t | |
Csensors_vec_t | |
CSerialBuffer | FIFO buffer used for both receive and transmit data |
CServo | |
CServoChannel | |
CSi4432 | |
CSI7021 | |
Csi7021_env | |
Csi7021_olt | |
CSimpleTimer | |
CSparkFun_APDS9960 | |
►CSPIBase | |
CSPIClass | |
CSPISoft | |
CSPISettings | |
CSslFingerprints | Contains SSL fingerprint data |
CSslKeyCertPair | Class to manage an SSL key certificate with optional password |
CSslSessionId | Manages buffer to store SSL Session ID |
CSslValidator | |
►CString | The string class |
CCStringArray | Class to manage a double null-terminated list of strings, such as "one\0two\0three" |
CStringSumHelper | |
CSystemClass | |
CSystemClockClass | |
►CTcpConnection | |
►CFtpDataStream | |
CFtpDataFileList | |
CFtpDataRetrieve | |
CFtpDataStore | |
CFtpServerConnection | |
►CTcpClient | |
►CHttpConnection | |
CHttpClientConnection | |
CHttpServerConnection | |
CMqttClient | |
CSmtpClient | |
►CTcpServer | |
CFtpServer | |
CHttpServer | |
CTelnetServer | |
CTempAndHumidity | |
CTimer | |
CTM1637Display | |
CtmElements_t | |
►CUdpConnection | |
CDNSServer | |
CNtpClient | NTP client class |
CMFRC522::Uid | |
CUltrasonic | |
CUrl | Class to manage URL instance |
CObjectMap< K, V >::Value | Class to provide safe access to mapped value |
►CWebsocketConnection | |
CWebsocketClient | Websocket Client |
CWifiEventsClass | |
CWsFrameInfo | |
CYeelightBulb | Yeelight wifi bulb controller class |